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10 reasons, to choose an E-Bike

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10 reasons, to choose an E-Bike

eBiking is proving very popular. For young or old, for urban or sporty use, the eBike’s electric power boost makes cycling more relaxing, you travel longer distances and you reach your destination feeling fresher. What began as a niche movement has become a trend.

Opting for an eBike is well worthwhile. To find out why that is so and how the eBike is connecting people more than it separates them, read on.


1 The environment benefits
eBikes  users go easy on the environment, especially if they use their eBike on a daily basis. Half of all car journeys are five
kilometres or less, and according to the Environmental Protection Agency the CO2 emissions of a car are around 40 times
higher than those of a bicycle with a battery-powered motor. So by using an eBike rather than a car for short distances you
are protecting the environment – and also travelling quietly and economically.

2 Gone are the days of headwinds
Who would not on occasion have appreciated a little assistance cycling on steep ascents in a full-on headwind? An invisible
“hand” to give you a gentle push and make starting on an uphill stretch or cycling on a steep ascent almost effortless.
Making mountains no longer daunting and headwinds neither here nor there. The eBike makes it possible.

3 Keeps you fit, makes you mobile
Are eBikes just for those who want to take it easy? Not at all! Despite the power assistance eBikers still have to hit the
pedals to get moving. And it is up to you to decide how much power assistance you want or need. Studies have found that
eBikers get on their bikes two to three times more often and cover much longer distances than conventional cyclists. So now
is the time to get on a bike with power assistance regardless whether for comfort or for sporting use.
4 Perfect for commuting
Would you like to keep fit on your commute? Then the eBike is for you. It is a sporting option. A glance at the statistics reveals
that there most people travel less than 20 km to work. eBikes are ideal for distances of this kind.


5 Easement, exercise, extra boost
Thanks to the even, adjustable assistance provided by the eBike drive system an eBike is ideal for training or for getting
back into cycling after an injury. Furthermore, the drive system prevents too heavy a burden on knees or thigh muscles. That
eases pressure on joints, tendons and ligaments. Would you like to be fit and healthy and to improve your wellbeing? An
eBike is a step in the right direction.

6 Wheely good advice
Could you do without discussions and complaints? No arguments, please? The mood can turn fast when people with
unequal physical conditions and expectations set out on a cycling tour together. That is when a little motor can work
wonders. Its power assistance offsets differences in performance and brings people closer together again – with the result
that the tour is an experience everyone is happy to repeat.

7 Easy on the wallet
eBikes are much less expensive than cars to buy and to maintain. Fuel costs, insurance premiums, car tax or parking
charges? Zero. The cost of fuel alone for a diesel-powered car is currently around $28 per 100 km. 100 km on a
ebike costs around 80c Now that is a genuine saving. 

8 Fun factor
eBikes make cycling less work and more fun. With power assistance the eBiker can sail past many other road users freely
and easily. The eBike is often the fastest mode of transport available in urban traffic over distances of up to and including
5 km – and over distances of up to 10 km eBikers can easily keep up with car drivers.

9 Pure mobility
Intermodal traffic? Not the slightest problem with an eBike. eBike to the railroad station, take the train and then either use
public transportation or rent a pedelec to your destination. With an eBike you are fast and flexible. You can cover distances
more easily and increase the radius of distances you can travel. Power assistance gives you a real boost in the city. eBikers
leave tailbacks behind them and don’t need to worry about finding somewhere to park either.

10 Something for everybody
The market is constantly coming up with new models and versions. Pedelecs capable of speeds of up to either 32 km/h or
45 km/h. eBikes are available for urban or cross-country use, for leisure tours or for summiteers with sporting ambitions.
There is a wide range from which to choose and the right eBike for every kind of person. You really are spoilt for choice.